On the plane to Oregon. We had to wait an hour extra just sitting on the plane becuase of the fuel light indicator being on (i think). We were so glad when we finally landed!
Right out side of our room. The ocean was so loud and stormy. Jory loved watching it and listening to the waves crash.
This place is called the Spouting Horn. Water comes into blowhole type thing and shoots it out. I have a video, but of course it won't let me upload it.
It was so green in Oregon, even the tree trunks were green from moss! We thought that was a little crazy.
I thought this bench was cool, but we couldn't look at the camera because the sun was right in our eyes.
This was supposed to be a really good lookout point were you could see for miles, but we couldn't see anything because of the fog. That stuff never goes away!
The Devils Punch Bowl. It was really foggy here too, so the picture didn't turn out too good. The water was supposed to swirl around and look really cool, but I don't think the tide was high enough when we were there.
We went to an aquarium in Newport. Anyone we talked to about it said it was was of the Top 10 in the U.S. Apparently they like to brag about that. But it was a pretty cool place.
I loved the seahorses. They all look fake in this picture, but trust me, they are real!
Jory touching a stingray. There was no way I was going to do that!
One giant shark mouth!
A really old scuba helmet.
The kids playground. We had fun playing on all the animals.
The view from the second place we stayed.
We went on a little walk to the beach. Everything was ALWAYS wet there, even though it never rained while we were there.
The beach! We found lots of dead starfish and crabs. It was kind of gross.
We went to the Tillamook Cheese Factory and ate some very good cheese and even better ice cream!
This picture just makes me laugh. The sun in always in our eyes!
This is how bad the fog would get sometimes. And we had to drive in it. Plus my dad is almost blind, so me and my mom were scared most of the time.
Some weird things I learned about Oregon: First, no one knows how long it takes to get to one town to the next. They always add a few hours to the actual time it takes. We never did understand that. Second, there is no tax on anything. How do their towns make money? Third, it's illegal to touch a gas pump. We of course didn't know this. This is a picture of a guy pumping our gas. I tried to take it so he wouldn't see what I was doing, so it's not very good, but you get the point.
Me and my mom resting during a long walk up a steep hill.
The Cape Meares Lighthouse. It's only 38 feet tall.
We went to an Air Museum in Tillamook. This is inside a Guppy. I think it carried blimps that were used in World War 2. It was so cold there that my mom and I didn't enjoy it at all.
Inside the huge Hanger that stored the blimps during the war. They had tons of planes you could look at that they still use.
My favorite lighthouse we got to see, the Yaquina Head Lighthouse. We got to climb all the way to the top.
Some seals. They wouldn't do any tricks for us, but one would always pose for the camera.
The last lighthouse we went too. The Yaguina Bay Lighthouse. This was attached to a house, so we got to tour the house, but couldn't go all they way up to were the light was.
We had a lot of fun in Oregon. It's amazing how different it is there even though we are only a few states away. Thanks Mom and Dad for letting us go with you!
I didn't know ya'll were coming to Oregon! Isn't the coast amazingly beautiful!? I promise it's not always that foggy. Wish we could have seen ya while you guys were here! Glad you had fun!
It looks like you had a great time. I am jealous of all the lighthouses you got to see. Oh, how that would be a fun trip to take. Maybe sometime. Glad you guys got to go.
I just made my blog so only invited people can read it, if you would like to be invited, please send me an email to jeni_pace@hotmail.com
Looks like Anne already commented - I was just going to ask if you were able to see her in Medford....but I guess not! Too bad. Glad you had fun and freeze to death!
What a cool place to visit -- and a great way to celebrate your Mom's birthday. With all the company she's had -- she deserved some roomservice!!
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