2. How long have you been married? 10 months
3. What does he do that surprises you? He can always make me laugh, even when I'm mad at him.
4. What is his best feature? I really like his hands! That was a really big thing to me and he definately has nice ones.
5. What is his best quality? He's very friendly and can get anyone to like him.
6. Does he have a nickname for you? Babe, Sweetheart, Chan (Shawn)
7. What is his favorite color? Green
8. What is his favorite animal? Probably horses or dogs
9. What is his favorite food? He likes a lot of food, but he really likes enchiladas.
10. What is his favorite sport? It's hard to tell because he watches every sport possible. But I think he likes to play basketball and watch football the best.
11. When and where did you first kiss? On a cotton module the day before Thanksgiving, yes that was our first date.
12. Favorite thing to do as a couple? Watch tv shows that we BOTH like and laugh together.
13. Do you have any children? Yes, Madison and McKenzie
14. Does he have a hidden talent? He's a very good speaker.
15. How old is he? 24
16. Who said 'I love you' first? He did. But he said, "I think I'm falling in love with you."
17. What is his favorite music? Country
18. Do you think he will read this? Yeah, he checks to see what I write about him every once in a while.

I tag: Mom, Celeste, Mallory, Casey, Lindsay, Joelle, Rocki
1 comment:
Chani, you will be glad to see that I participated in your tag. Thanks for being patient with me.
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