I can't believe we've had Mikelle for half a year now! It's gone by so fast. She is just getting cuter and cuter each day. She is learning so much. She can now sit up on her own. She's not perfect at it and falls after a while, but she is getting better. She always wants to be sitting up. She loves toys. She has started crying when you take something away that she wants. She loves blowing bubbles with her mouth. She can turn herself in a complete circle on the floor. She wants to crawl, but she can only scoot. She pushes off with her feet or when she's on her tummy she tries to army crawl. She is so funny and always smiling. I love that she loves me and smiles at me across the room. She is such a good baby and we love her to death!
Weight: 16 lbs 10 oz-65%
Height: 26.8 in- 85%
Head: 40.7 cm- 9%
She still has a small head, but it is getting a little bigger!

She was eating prunes and it made it look like she had lipstick on
She's such a cutie!! Being a Mommy is the BEST!
I miss my baby!
Chani! She is SO CUTE! We miss you guys!
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