Our little Mikelle is 2 months old! We had her 2 month appointment yesterday. She weighs 12 pounds 15 ounces which is in the 93rd percentile! She's a big girl! She is 23 inches long which is in the 75th percentile and her head is 37.5 cm which is in the 19th percentile. She also got her shots. She screamed, but just for a little while. Anytime the nurse would talk she would start crying again. The nurse decided just not to say anything anymore. She did pretty good the rest of the day, but it would have been nicer if we didn't have a 2 hour drive home. She even slept better then she usually does. She only woke up 3 times instead of 4. I think she's growing up!

I love that smile!

We love our baby girl!
They grow up so fast!! She is a doll chani!
I LOVE those chuncky cheeks! Oh she's a beauty!
She's a fatty! Can't wait to see her next weekend!
She is such a cutie! I can't believe how big she is getting! They sure grow way too fast for my liking! Hopefully someday we will get to see you and get to meet your sweet little girl! :)
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