At 3:00 I got my cerclage taken out. I had to get a spinal (it took them 3 different times to finally get me numb) and they also put in a catheter for an epidural. As soon as the doctor cut the cerclage out I dilated to 4, so I thought I was going to have her soon after, but I was wrong. It took about 7 hours to finally dilate to 6. My contractions were pretty bad so I had them add medicine to the epidural and it worked so I thought I was good to go, but when the doctor came to break my water and check my cervix, I felt it. The doctor was surprised and so was I, but he didn't act like it was a big deal. I felt tons of pressure and pain as she was dropping down. I kept telling the nurse I didn't think the epidural was working, but she just said it was normal to feel that. Finally at 12:10 I started feeling tons of pressure and feeling like I was going to die, so the nurse checked me and I was dilated to 10. I was really surprised and happy because the nurse kept saying it would be 3:00 before we had her. She had me do some practice pushes. I only did a few before she was ready to come out. So the nurse hurried and called the doctor and instead of pushing I just had to wait for the doctor to come. I actually thought I was going to die. Finally the doctor showed up and she was born about 5 minutes later...and I felt EVERYTHING! And to make it worse I tore very badly. As the doctor was sewing me up one nurse whispered, "Ouch," to the other one. So I knew it had to be bad. I was pretty angry I went through all that without an epidural even when I kept telling them it wasn't working. I was just glad to finally get her out of me! I'm so glad she's here and healthy. Everyone at the hospital was nervous about her only being 36 weeks, but she is very healthy.
We love our little girl. She hardly ever cries, only when she's gassy. She doesn't even cry when she's hungry. She just starts sucking. I can't wait to take her come to my house. By the time we finally get home it will be about 2 months since I've been there.
We took tons of pictures the last few days, so here are a few of them.
This is right before they took me to take out the cerclage
One of the times I was throwing up. Jory couldn't handle it.
At least he still likes me
Jory putting on her diaper
He's so happy!
Grandma Daley (she's trying to think of a good name for Mikelle to call her, Grandma Daley sounds old)
She was covered in the nasty white stuff because she was early
Grandpa Daley- he loves her and might not let me take her home with me
Our first family picture
They brought her in a stocking after they gave her a bath
Grandma Rhoton
Merry Christmas!
o chani im so happy for you. i bet your so glad to finally have that baby in your arms. being a mom is great CONGRATS and Merry christmas! what an awesome present ;)
congratulations! she is beautiful!
Congrats guys! We're so happy for you, she's beautiful! Merry Christmas!
Glad you finally have your little girl! She is precious! Congrats again!
congratulations! how exciting, we are happy for you guys...great name too! :)
YAY! I'm so excited for you guys! How fun to have a Christmas baby! I'm so glad she is healthy and you made it through. She's beautiful!
We're so happy for you! What a perfectly beautiful, new little girl. What an amazing Christmas present! (bummer about the epi!!)
Chani that is such a cute name! I'm so glad she is finally here and that you can finally get to go home and not be in the hospital have had it rough! I'm so glad both of you are ok and she is so adorable! I bet you and Jory are so proud! It is so fun being a mom and having such a special spirit in your home! I promise it does get easier also haha! :) Good luck and enjoy ever minute of it!
What an AWESOME christmas present! Congrats you guys!!! She's Precious. :)
She is precious! Congrats Chani you did it!!!!
she is just gorgeous chani. i am so happy for you guys!!
Congratulations!!! She is adorable and I think she looks just like you Chani! Hope you and the baby are doing well!
What a great Christmas present! She is beautiful. Congratulations!!!!!!
AHHHHHH!! She's really here! I am so overwhelmingly happy for you! I am so very glad that everything went okay and she is healthy and so are you. That is just such a happy thing. You have a beautiful daughter to hold! :)
Isn't it wonderful to have her in your arms! I love her name!! SO cute.
Congratulations! We are so happy for you and Jory! That is the best Christmas present!
Hope all is going well. She is so pretty!
I'm so glad she's finally here and healthy! Congrats! What a great Christmas present. :)
congrats! she's so beautiful!!
Congratulations! Glad she made it here safely. What a true blessing. I love babies! I doubt you know me but I was friends with Jory at EA.
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