Last week at our appointment we found out lots of good things! The ultrasound took about 30 minutes. Our baby girl weighed 2 pounds 10 ounces, she looks very healthy and was making good breathing motions. She has long legs (they are in the 86 percentile). I can tell she's getting stronger and stronger because her kicks are starting to hurt more. My cervix still looks good and the ultrasound tech thinks I'll make it to my due date, which I didn't think I would.
Her feet have gotten bigger and fatter since 20 weeks. I've decided her toes look like mine...which is probably a good thing.

This isn't a very good picture. She had her arm up over her head so it was making a shadow on her face.

We can't wait for her to be here. Jory and I always talk about who we think she'll look like and what features of ours she'll have. We almost have her room all done. I'm just waiting for my mom to come help paint!
Jory was so excited to go hunting this year. He didn't get a deer, but he had fun!
This is my dad...of course he is standing by the food
Jory, my cousin Amy and Dad
We weren't sure if Derek was going to be able to go hunting this year, but he did really good. He even got a deer a few days later.
Jory and Derek when they got home.
It was Jory's birthday on Sunday. He's 25 now. Some of his family came to my parents house and we had dinner and ice cream cake.
On Monday night for family home evening we carved pumpkins.
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