This was on the way down to Thatcher before Derek opened his call but I thought it was funny. Chad decided to put a fruit roll up all over his face to be funny. Then he fell asleep, which was even funnier.
In Phoenix we stopped at Sam's Club and Jory made me ride in a wheel chair because I'm not really supposed to be walking around. I was really embarrassed and never wanted to do it again. People were staring at me probably wondering what I was doing in the wheel chair.
In between Phoenix and Wickenburg we had a tire blowout on the jet ski trailer. So the boys had to change it in 113 degree weather.
About 40 miles outside of Wickenburg another tire went flat on the trailer. We had run out of spare tires after this, so the boys decided to go back to Wickenburg and get all new tires on the trailer and the girls went on to Laughlin. I was so glad when we finally made it to our hotel. It was a long day!
The next 2 days the girls went shopping. It got so hot the first day. The car's air conditioner was having a hard time working.
We found some weird sunglasses that had lines through them and looked like blinds. You couldn't see anything through them. Why would you buy sunglasses like that?
This is what Jory looked like when he got back from jet skiing the first day. He had crazy hair and his eyes were very red. He didn't get sunburned though! He was really proud of his shirt. He said he got lots of compliments.
This is me at 17 weeks. I had an appointment this week. I thought I was going to get an ultrasound and find out what we're having, but I didn't. I was really disappointed. I met with the doctor and all she did was check for the heartbeat, which she couldn't hear because my placenta's in the front and it was over powering everything else. We did hear movement which was good and she kept saying, "Wow your placenta is really loud." We have actually only heard the heartbeat once this pregnancy and that was during an ultrasound. It's usually not a big deal to me since we get so many ultrasounds and I can see our baby moving around like crazy. But it still worries me. The doctor just told me to take it easy until our next appointment and we'll go from there. My next appointment it August 31st and I'm really excited, because we will for sure find out what we are having...if the baby's cooperating.
Jory looks funny with the hair thing going on and with the shirt. Chad sure is one weird kid. I am glad you got that on camera. I will show him how funny he looked. That was a fun trip!
Chad is a nut hahaha
You guys always have so much fun!!! You are looking good!! The pregnant look, I do have to say looks great on you! We miss ya! Glad everything is going okay! Love you guys!!!
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