We're having another baby! I'm due December 4th. We found out right after our San Antonio trip. Me and Jory were so excited since we had been trying for 7 months. It's gets very frustrating after a while. I can't imagine what some women go through! I called the doctor right away. They told me they don't see you until 10 weeks. I told them that wasn't going to work, I needed to go at 8 weeks because of all my problems. So at 8 weeks I met with my regular doctor. They scheduled an ultrasound and a meeting with a high-risk doctor at 10 weeks.
10 weeks (Thanks Miki for crinkling it up!) |
I met with the high-risk doctor in an office (which I didn't get when I was pregnant with Miki). I told him my history (in detail). The whole time I was thinking that for sure I have an incompetent cervix and will need a cerclage (like with Miki). I had my mind made up and knew what I needed. He told me it sounded to him like I have more of a problem with pre-term labor. At first I was thinking he was wrong, but after talking to him more and with my mom later (she was at the appointment with me) I realized that he was right. He told me he didn't think I needed a cerclage, but if I felt more comfortable getting one then I should. But there are always risks with everything. With a cerclage it can cause problems and infections (which I had with Miki), and infections cause me to have contractions. So I thought about it for a few weeks ( I had to decided before 13 or 14 weeks). I talked to Jory and my parents and I felt good about not getting one this time. With an incompetent cervix it opens without contractions between 16-24 weeks. I had always had contractions. So I didn't end up getting a cerclage, but I am still being watched closely. Starting at 16 weeks I get an ultrasound every 2 weeks and a progesterone shot every week until 36 weeks to stop contractions before they start. The progesterone is very thick and stings going in and hurts sometimes for days afterwards. But I can always tell the day before I get it that I need it. I start feeling irritability in my uterus and after the shot it calms it down.
16 weeks |
At 16 weeks my cervix was 4.5 cm. Good is 3cm. I have never had it so long! I was so happy and I felt good about my choice to not get a cerclage.
18 weeks |
At 18 weeks we found out were were having a boy! Jory was so excited! I thought it was a boy because I have felt different this time. I haven't been as sick, which is so nice! My cervix was 3.8cm. I kind of freaked out because it had gone down a lot, but it was still good. He was looking at the "camera" the whole time. It's amazing a well those machines work. The ultrasound tech could see the pupil of his eye.
20 weeks |
20 weeks |
At 20 weeks my cervix was 3.9 cm. So it got a little bit better.
22 weeks |
At 22 weeks my cervix was 3.4 cm. So in 6 weeks it has gone down more then a centimeter. I asked if that was normal and the tech said it can be. But if I ever feel weight on my cervix just sit down for a while, which I do. Luckily, this time around I know my body a whole lot better. It is still hard to know what "normal" is because I have never had a normal pregnancy. Luckily, I am not afraid to call the doctor this time around. And if I ever have a problem they are only 10 minutes away, instead of 2 hours with Miki and the twins.
I am 23 weeks now and have been feeling pretty good. My goal is to not be on bed rest and to make it to 37 weeks which is November 13th. If I make it past that it will be a miracle!