Mikelle had her first birthday on December 23. I can't believe I have a one year old. She's not a baby anymore! On her birthday she was sick, so it made for a miserable day for her and me! She got a ton of presents, but wouldn't open any of them. Once she realized their were toys inside she was pretty excited. I always thought babies liked the wrapping paper and boxes the best, but she
definitely liked the toys better.
Me trying to convince her to open the present.

She finally realized she liked having a birthday.

She did not want to sit in her high chair and eat cake.

I held her and fed her and she realized cake is pretty good.

She finally decided she would sit in the high chair and eat.

Here are her one year stats:
Weight: 21 lb 11 oz 74%
Height: 30.5 in 85%
Head: 44 cm 22%
So she's still a big girl with a small head! She's learning a ton everyday. She has taken 4 steps, but she knows she's faster at crawling, so it's hard to get her to want to walk. She can stand up on her on really well and even walk around pushing toys, but won't do it alone. Her favorite word is baby and will call anyone under 5 a baby. She learned how to say trampoline and grandpa while we were in Thatcher for Christmas. She already knows how to throw tantrums and has thrown herself into walls and has hurt herself. She will pretend like she is going to come to you and and the last second turn a different direction and run away and she even fake laughs. She started doing that at church!
We love our Miki and are so glad we had her year ago!