Our little Mik is:
15lbs 11oz- 90%
24.5 inches long- 63%
Her head is 38.8 cm- 5%
So she has a big body and a really small head. Haha, I thought her head was finally catching up with the rest of her body, but I guess not!
She is learning so much all the time. She loves to stand up. She would rather stand up then sit down. She knows how to scoot down in her chair if she's not buckled up. She loves me helping her roll over. I pull her to her side and then she does the rest. She pulls my hair all the time and pulls on my shirt when I'm trying to lay her down. She can grasp toys and holds them for a long time. She loves having her picture taken (probably because there is always a camera in her face!). She loves watching us eat. She sits in her bumbo drooling over our food and licking her lips. Today we had her try rice cereal and she loved it. She just didn't know what to do with the spoon. She was sucking on it like crazy. We think she's the funniest thing in the world. We love our little girl! I don't know what we would do without her!
I love that smile!
Anytime she has a shirt she can lift up she tries to suck on it
She looks like she hated it, but she really loved it.