Derek is doing great today!
Roger says he is 100% better than he was yesterday.
He is able to move his toes and feet and his arm movements are becoming very well controlled. He was able to put his glasses on himself today, which he could not do yesterday.
His verbal skills are much better today, although his throat is still very sore and it makes talking a bit painful. His voice is labored, but again much louder and more pronounced now.
Derek can eat for himself. He even had a bean burro today.
Yesterday he was alone and needed to go to the bathroom and attempted to get off his bed and walk. This did not turn out so well. He fell, hit his shoulder and to top it all off spilled his pudding. The pudding made a mess on the floor and he couldn't quite get it all cleaned up before the nurse caught him.
He was also very disappointed, because during his time on the floor, he attempted a push-up and couldn't do it.
His pneumonia is clearing up, and overall everything is improving in great strides.
Thank you all for your prayers and your support. This has and will be a tough time for Derek and his family, but your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Derek got to go on a wheelchair ride today. I'm sure it was nice to get out of his room. We had him try pushing himself with his feet and his arms. His right side is still a little stronger then the left. He also walked a short ways with help, but his legs are still really weak to go very far. It's amazing how much he improves every hour! His goal is to be out of there by Tuesday, but he'll need to stay in the hospital a little longer then that. He starts physical therapy tomorrow morning which should help him a lot. He is still in the ICU because they don't have a bed for him yet, but hopefully soon he can move out of there. Last night there was a Code Blue in the ICU when our whole family was there, so we saw all the nurses rush into someones room. Derek asked his nurse later if that lady was okay. The nurse said the lady's heart stopped beating so they had to shock her and it started beating again. Derek said he felt like he was in a mortuary, and he hated mortuaries. So it will be really good for him to get out of there. It will be so nice for him to come home. With the way he's been improving already, it wouldn't be surprising if he could come home this weekend.
Derek concentrating on wheeling himself
The whole family
He got to go outside for the first time in a few days
Derek saying, "Stay Sweet"