I had another appointment yesterday and everything looks really good. The doctor we saw was a new one. The clinic I go to has 3 different doctors and he is the only male doctor. They have such different opinions, it gets really confusing. The doctor that did the surgery said I need to take it easy and that I'll probably be on bed rest most of the time. This guy said I don't have to be on bed rest and I could pretty much do whatever I wanted, except lift 200 pounds. But he doesn't really know me or my situation. The first doctor was there from the beginning last time and knows my history first hand, so I think I'll trust her. I've been feeling really good lately and I'm loving all the ultrasounds we get, but we finally get a 3 week break, so I'm really excited. We have gone to an appointment every week this month.
The ultrasound lady tried to find out what we were having this time, but the baby was curled up in a ball upside down the whole time she couldn't see.

Here is me at 14 weeks. I'm already getting big. Oh yeah, and I got my hair cut. The lady cut it about 3 inches shorter then I wanted it to be. Jory likes it, so that's good. I woke up this morning missing my hair though. I don't think I've ever had it this short.