Well June is half way over and we have done a lot of things, but I have been a slacker at blogging. At the beginning of June we had a Rhoton family reunion. Of course I took zero pictures, but we did take family pictures because every single person in Jory's family was there. That's the first time that's happened since we've been married.

(They made us do that!)
After the reunion we went to Mesa for a few days for my birthday. While we were there we saw "Up" in 3-D. It was really good, but those glasses start hurting after a while!

Last weekend our ward had a youth trip to St. George, Utah. We went because Jory is in the YM's presidency. We did baptism's for the dead at the St. George temple. We met up with another ward in St. George and they treated us so well! We went and saw Brigham Young's winter house and also Jacob Hamblin's house. Jory was really excited to see Jacob Hamblin's house because he is related to him. That night we went to Pine Valley, which is the prettiest place in the world (at least one of them). We stayed at ward member's "cabins," that were really houses. We went and saw the oldest LDS church still in use and had a devotional there. The next day we went on a hike, went swimming and had a testimony meeting. Then on Sunday all of the youth in our ward sang "I am a Child of God" in Navajo in the St. George ward's sacrament meeting. It was a long trip, but a lot of fun. Of course, I only took one picture.