8 things I like a whole lot
- Jory
- A clean house
- My family and in-laws
- Slippers
- My living room
- New clothes
- Sleep
- Reading
8 words or phrases I say often
- JORY! Come to bed!
- Thank you for calling Pizza Edge, can I help you?
- You're annoying
- Hi Mom
- Stop it
- I don't know
- Can you watch something else besides football?
8 things I want to do before I die
- Have lots of kids
- Go on a mission with Jory
- Work in the temple
- Build my dream house
8 things I've learned in my life thus far
- Your mom is your best friend
- Being married doesn't mean happily ever after
- Cooking isn't very fun when you have to do it all the time
- Don't iron clothes on the carpet
- Probably a lot more, I just can't think of them right now!
8 places I'd love to visit
- France, or Europe in general
- Hawaii
- All 50 states (I guess that would include Hawaii)
- Japan
- My family
8 things I currently need or want
- Food Storage (I agree Casey!)
- My new washer and dryer
- A big family
- Grass
- A grill
- A new porch
- A massage
- Sleep
8 people I tag
Mom, Celeste, Lindsay, Brittani