This is Monument Valley. It's only 30 minutes from our house.
The Monticello temple, I've never been there, but it's only 2 hours from our house. It's the closest temple to us. We stopped in Monticello to eat and we asked them where the temple was. They said it was right behind us. It was the one with the big gold statue on it. I guess I should be more observant!
Jory trying to ride Easton's bike. He bent the training wheels on it because he was so heavy, but he fixed it! Sorry Celeste!
Me and Jory
On Saturday we went to Liberty Land. We had a lot of fun! My favorite was the bumper boats even though I got soaked!
My hot husband!
Me and Easton on the Carousel
Zoom into Jory's face. It cracks me up. He's really getting into shooting that water!
I got to see my friends while I was there. This is Brittani! I love her! I haven't seen her since December, so I was really excited to get to visit her.
This is Sonya! I love her too!
Jory took this picture while he was driving. He's amazing.
We had a lot of fun seeing Jory's family. I just need to get more pictures now. So send them to me Celeste! Thanks!